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Bubble Nano is a new version of bubble smart reader, it's more lighter, stable and battery longer life compare previous bubble version (bubble one and bubble mini);


Bubble Smart Reader is designed for ultimate convenience of use. It’s size is almost identical to the size of your libre sensor, coming in at 38mm x 30mm x 5mm and weighing in at just 6g, it is light, concealable and convenient to wear.


Bubble NANO Smart Reader

SKU: 364215376135191
359,95$ Precio
299,95$Precio de oferta
  • NOT INCLUDING FREESTYLE LIBRE SENSOR. It can detect and read Libre1, Libre2, Libre Pro/H, Libre US 10 days version, US 14 days.

    Product List:

    • Bubble Nano    X   1;
    • Charge cable    X   1;
    • Holder frame (connect libre with bubble nano)   X   4;

    Convenient & Stable : 

    Thin and Minimal 

    Buddle is intended for extreme accommodation of utilization. Its size is practically indistinguishable from the size of your libre sensor, coming in at 38mm x 30mm x 5mm and tipping the scales at just 6g, it is light, concealable and advantageous to wear. 

    Programmed Detailing 

    There is no huge, overwhelming outer gadget required for your glucose readings. The Bubble transmitter is intended to naturally transmit your information. 

    Simple Application 

    Bubble accompanies a 60 twofold sided solid glue stickers (medical material)  that join the peruser to your body. The stickers are skin-protected and sufficient for throughout the day wear. 


    Bubble libre transmitter will trigger a caution at the smallest indication of glucose inconsistency gotten by your libre. Any worry followed by your libre will send a caution straightforwardly to your cell phone disturbing you of any perilous changes. 

    Specialized Highlights 


    Bubble libre transmitter is totally waterproof and can be utilized while showering. It will at the same time keep on giving glucose perusers at regular intervals securely. Bubble highlights progressive water/air proof fixing innovation to shield the gadget from water.  

    IP67 Protection Against Water Intrusion it means that it can be submerged in freshwater up to a maximum depth of one meter for 30minutes at most.


    Bubble highlights an incredible inward battery that goes on for about fourteen days with normal use. All the more along these lines, Bubble is totally re-chargeable for your benefit. When at regular intervals, place the gadget in control utilizing ours gave charger. 


    Bubble is good with all significant announcing applications (xDrip, Spike, and Glimp) just as major working frameworks iOS and Android. Bubble  has 99.99% programmed precise announcing 

    Security Highlights 

    Family Observing 

    Bubble's Application reconciliations take into account relatives to sign in to your ideal application and screen your information. A few relatives would all be able to screen your information at the same time. 

    Item Quality 

    Bubble is structured with the most astounding standard of item security. We guarantee the quality and security of all technology highlighted in the Bubble Smart Reader. 

    Affirmed Confided in Innovation 

    Bubble is confirmed by the EU commission of Radio Gear Direct (RED) as being 100% safe regarding wellbeing, security, and protection in understanding to universal models. Bubble does not impart any of your data to the third party.


    Android  Xdrip+ , DiaBox Libre 2

    iOS: DiaBox, supports all libre sensors (we need Download and install Sideloadly first) please follow the below link:

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